Please click on a colour below to display additional images:
Okiyo Sumida Jute Tote Okiyo Sumida Jute Tote IDEA-1190-NT-STYLED Okiyo Sumida Jute Tote IDEA-1190-NT-STYLED-NO-LOGO


Okiyo Sumida Jute Tote

The high-quality Jute shopping bag is the perfect reusable eco-friendly bag ideal for grocery shopping or trade shows. It features a durable laminated Jute fabric and cotton webbing rope handles.

  • 30cm (h) x 30cm (w) x 20cm (l)

Branding Options

  • Digital Direct Transfer
  • Screen Print

Inclusive Branding and Branding Offers

  • Inclusive Of 1 Colour, 1 Position Screen Print
  • * Please check branding guideline for details

Availability: 20 100 in stock
Branding Guidelines
Quantity per Carton 50
Dimensions H (in cm) 30
Dimensions L (in cm) 51
Dimensions W (in cm) 46
Carton Weight (in kg) 11.3